Psychology and body image: A review

Present review article endeavors to explicate the major theoretical and methodological issues in the area of psychology of body image. The psychological antecedents and correlates of body image with the consequences of having positive and negative body image have been discussed in detail. The research on the psychology of body image is dominated by correlational method which have focused individual psychological factors, familial and parental processes, socioeconomic status, media, body weight, socioeconomic status and genetic heritage as some of the most important factors acting as the antecedents of the dynamism of the body image. Over-dependence on correlational studies, lack of research on certain populations, insufficient information and low effect size are some of the limitations which have pervaded the previous studies. The major protective measures to check body image dissatisfaction include upholding a healthy weight, maintaining close relationships with others, improving well-being, and reducing tendency to compare oneself to others. The researches indicate that exercise-based interventions and psychotherapeutic interventions are effective at improving body image of the individuals. The review also comes up with some policy implications of the psychology of body image. The negative feelings associated with body image and its impacts on the well-being, self-esteem, physical and mental health of the individuals constitute the core concerns for the psychologists. The policy makers should make efforts to help the people to recognize the emotional qualities, character and individuality as key components of beauty. The educational, social and cultural forces are to be identified and reshaped to make compatible with good body image.


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